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If you have a topic suggestion or want to get advice on a specific device, shoot @leonhitchens a tweet (is that what we still call it?) on X!

Episode 2: Debating Apple’s Iron Grip: Innovation vs. Antitrust in the Tech Market
Unlock the secrets behind Apple’s iron grip on the phone market as I, Leon Hitchens, delve into the U.S. Department of Justice’s lawsuit against the behemoth in a new Gadget Smart Podcast episode. You’ll get an in-depth look at the…
Episode 1: Pilot for Gadget Smart
Ready for bite-sized gadget reviews hosted by Leon Hitchens? Well, I hope so! I’ve recorded the first pilot with info on who I am, what I’ll talk about, and some surface-level topics on the latest gadgets in 2024 (Apple Vision…
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